
When you copy someone else’s words and make it look like they’re yours, you’ve committed plagiarism. Plagiarizing is the worst, most disgraceful thing a writer can do.

When people read what you write, turn in, blog about, or post, they make an important assumption—that it’s an original work; in other words, you created what you produced from your own mind. If you use someone else’s words, you must cite it; you must tell people, Hey! This next sentence isn’t mine. It was written by... (and then you say where you got the words from).

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When people read what you write, turn in, blog about, or post, they make an important assumption—that it’s an original work; in other words, you created what you produced from your own mind. If you use someone else’s words, you must cite it; you must tell people, Hey! This next sentence isn’t mine. It was written by... (and then you say where you got the words from).